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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Wayne County AYSO Region 1060

Region 1060 Policy #1 - Refund Policy

If your player drops from our program, you may be eligible for a refund of Regional Fees. Please read through the following information carefully.

  1. Player Drop and Refund Request Form must be completed if you wish to make a refund request. The form is online on our website AYSO Region 1060 > Home ( or please contact our Regional Commissioner or Regional Registrar for assistance with the process.

  1. The Regional Commissioner authorizes the Regional Registrar and Regional Treasurer to execute the Drop and Refund Requests as described within this document.

  1. ONLY the Regional Commissioner can authorize exceptions to these rules. No Coach, Team Parent or any other Board Member can authorize a refund or specify a refund amount. Exceptions to this policy would only be considered for extenuating circumstances and handled by the Regional Commissioner on a case-by-case basis.

  1. The Region is unable to Refund the AYSO National Membership Fee, the Area Fee, or the Sports Connect Processing Fee. Any Refund Requested from the Region will be for the Regional Fees only.

  1. All Refunds will be reduced by a $10 per/player Regional Administrative/Cancellation Fee.

  1. If a family was granted financial aid for one or more players, any refund granted would only be for the amount paid for the dropped player or players in question. Registration fees and/or financial aid is not transferable between players for the purposes of refund requests.

  1. Refunds will be applied back to the Card used for registration, whenever possible. If that is not possible, then a physical check will be produced and sent via mail to the address provided in the request. If the check is reported lost or destroyed, a replacement check can be requested but will be reduced by the fees incurred by the Region to cancel/replace the check.

  1. Refunds requested BEFORE August 1st (Fall) or March 1st (Spring) will be granted a Full Regional Refund, minus the previously mentioned fees.

  1. Refunds requested AFTER August 1st (Fall) or March 1st (Spring) will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Consideration will be given:

    1. to the date of the request

    2. team formation status

    3. the ability to fill the empty spot from a waitlist if one exists

    4. the ability to form teams

  2. The Refund amount may also be reduced if the Region is unable to recover per-player expenses already spent.

  1. Refunds will not be granted due to team assignment, coach assignment, or any other item related to following the AYSO philosophies of balanced teams, open registration, or everyone plays.

  2. No refunds will be granted following the first match weekend of the season.

AYSO Region 1060 Policy #2 - Team Balancing

  • In divisions 10U and up we do team formation with random coach assignments. The formation meetings take place in March for Spring Season and August for Fall Season. Our guidelines are as follows.

    • The board and coaches meet to form teams collectively. If needed, this meeting can be at a Player Evaluation practice.

    • The board and coaches will then be charged with making up the most balanced teams they can, because they don't know which team they will get. When the teams have been made, they are labeled, and each coach picks a team label out of a hat. If for some reason a coach cannot attend the team formation meeting, a board member will draw for the missing coaches.

    • Each coach who did not pick the team with his or her child will then trade for the child using a player at the same rating level.

  • In divisions 8U and below we form one team with one head coach. The teams are then split on Saturdays, with help from the assistant coaches, to play a pickup type of game. If more than one team is needed in an age group, we will let Sport Connect sort the teams using a mix of older and younger players.

  • After teams are formed and before coaches are given their team, the Regional Commissioner (or person appointed by RC) will look over each age group and verify team balance.

  • Late sign-ups and late drops are often a source of problems. Here is how we approach the placing of late sign-ups:

    • For divisions 10U and up, players will need to be rated so that we can place them without disturbing team balance.

    • Assuming team balance considerations have been satisfied, we allocate players mostly on the basis of first come first served. We may give preference to a player where we are short of head coaches or, in very exceptional cases, assistant coaches and a qualified parent is willing to head coach the team.

    • We will not allow late sign-ups to be used to manipulate the system.

  • Team balancing takes priority, and no requests will be accepted. The only exception is for brothers and sisters and for children living in the same household where age and gender would place them in the same division. We will accept requests in these situations for the children to be placed (a) on the same team or (b) on different teams.

  • What if your team has a practice day that conflicts with some other commitment that you cannot rearrange? What if you need help with carpooling? Please be flexible and try to work something out. Almost always you will get to know someone on the team with whom you can share carpooling and other responsibilities. And don’t worry about your children not knowing anyone on the team. One of the joys of AYSO is the opportunity for children and their parents to make new friends and it is done so easily in the context of participation on a sports team. Take advantage. If you cannot work around the practice schedule assigned for your team, you may choose to have your child put on the waiting list until there is an opening at his/her evaluation level on a team that practices on a different night.  However, there is no guarantee that all players from the waiting list will be placed.

  • The Regional Commissioner always retains the right to make adjustments. Sometimes, even the best laid plans go astray. The Regional Commissioner has authority to make changes and adjust the implementation of our policy in the best interests of the program and in particular to take steps to prevent and counteract any manipulation of the system.

  • Any late sign ups after teams are formed will be put on a wait/replacement list. When and if able to place on a team, they will be placed on the team with the least number of players in the age group and with team balance first priority.

AYSO Region 1060 Policy #3 - Playing Up and Playing Down Policy 

Purpose: To ensure Region 1096 has a standard policy, process and defined criteria for Players requesting to Play Up or Play Down in conjunction with the National Policy. 

AYSO National Policy

2.17 Playing Up or Down an Age Division
AYSO’s National Rules and Regulations define AYSO’s Standard Age Divisions, consistent with US Soccer’s Player Development Initiatives, AYSO’s Age-Appropriate Coaching methodologies, and in the best interest of the player. From time to time, Regions may receive requests from parents for their child to be placed in an age division other than his/her standard division. These requests for an exception should be handled on a case-by- case basis annually and considered in the context of what is in the best interest of both the specific child as well as those children affected by the exception. 

Requests to “play up” in the next older age division may be considered if doing so would be of genuine benefit to the child socially, developmentally, as well as athletically and as long as: 

  1. The Region secures formal written acknowledgement that this is what the parents want for their child and confirm that they believe their child is developmentally ready for that age division. Parents should acknowledge that this exception does not guarantee that future exceptions will be granted.
  2. The Region determines that the child is developmentally able to safely play and compete in the next division. Children restricted by age from heading the ball should not be allowed to play up in a division where heading the ball is allowed. 

Similarly, requests for an exception to “play down” an age division may be considered if doing so would be of genuine benefit to the child socially, developmentally, as well as athletically and as long as: 

  1. The Region secures a formal written request for an exception, expressing the need to play down and the need is determined to be truly warranted based on the developmental readiness of the child as opposed to a preference to be with classmates, friends or siblings. 
  2. The Region determines that the child does not pose any greater safety risk to the children in the younger age division. 
  3. The Region secures confirmation from the child’s parents that the child may not be eligible to play with his/her team in competitions outside of the Region. 
  4. Full disclosure to all division coaches of the fact that a player has been approved to play down is required, but the reason for the approval is not subject to the disclosure to the coaches. 

AYSO Region 1060 Policy (in addition to the AYSO National Policy): 

  1. For any players requesting to Play Up or Play Down, the request must be in writing to the Regional Commissioner before the teams are formed for the season. 
  2. The Regional Commissioner must verify the below criteria before submitting the request to the AYSO Region 1060 Board for approval:
    a. Player must be registered for current season 
    b. Are they in or going into the 2nd year at their current age division for playing up or are they in the first year at their current age division for playing down? 
    c. Board Member or non-parent volunteer must conduct player evaluation for skills development, leadership development, social/emotional development. 
    d. The reason for the request (i.e. convenient, player dominates, player is ready to move on to another level of development, etc.) 
    e. Age division from and to 
    f. Did they play the previous season, years of experience 
  3. No Approval will be given for players moving from U11 to U14 due to heading policy. 
  4. Special approval/evaluation will be required for players who did not play the previous season. 
  5. Division requesting to play up must have an open position for the player. 
  6. After verifying the above criteria, the Regional Commissioner must submit the Play Up or Play Down request to the Board for approval. Board approval must be given before the player may be moved up to the next level or down to the previous level and only one level from their current registered division is allowed. 
  7. If 12U and below, divisions have been combined (i.e. 10U&12U) a player cannot Play Down or Play Up a division.
  8. This is a one-time approval for the request to Play Up or Play Down. New approval must be submitted by the player parent or guardian each season.

AYSO Region 1060 Policy #4 - Chargeback Fee Recovery Policy

1. The Regional Refund Request Policy is to be the sole method used to cancel registration and request a refund. If the registrant circumvents the Regional Refund Request Policy by initiating a dispute with their bank, the region will challenge the chargeback request per the terms of the Regional Refund Policy.

2. The Region is currently charged $45 per dispute, regardless of the outcome of the dispute.

3. The chargeback dispute fee, whatever current value, will be charged to the registrant prior to being allowed to register any players for the current or upcoming season(s). The fee will be applied as a fee on the current registration. Payable through the registration site.

4. If the registrant refuses payback of the dispute fee within 15 days of notification, then their players will be canceled and any payments refunded, in accordance with the Regional Refund Policy.

5. ONLY the Regional Commissioner can authorize exceptions of rules. No Coach, Team Parent or any other Board Member can authorize a waiver of this fee.

Contact Us

AYSO Region 1060

1233 Collinwood Hwy 
Waynesboro, Tennessee 38485

Email Us: [email protected]

Phone: 931-332-0321